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7 Reasons Why Businesses Should Be Blogging

Blogging continues to provide an effective way of developing an online web presence and putting forth a powerful marketing strategy for your brand. Creating strong blog content can provide you that key “bridge” to your audience and their needs, bringing awareness of your brand while providing relevant information to your target audience.

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Here are 7 ways blogging can benefit your business:

1. Provide a Boost to Search Engine Optimization

Blogging is one of the most straightforward and inexpensive ways of providing Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines with fresh and relevant content to index as well as insert special keywords that consumers will search for when looking up services or products.

2. Develop Relationships with Customers

Blogging is important in building trust and connecting with existing or new customers. You can build trust through high quality content and can get feedback and constructive critique through an active comment section, which is a sure way you can directly respond to a reader’s reaction.

3. Establish Leadership of Your Industry

No matter how small a business is, blogging is a good way to establish clout and value by providing expert information. If your content is helpful and informative, it can make potential customers seek source of the content, increasing traffic and credibility.

4. Connect People to Your Brand

Blog posting can allow you to show your followers the personal side of your business. It can provide others with a sense of your brand’s personality, your corporate standards, and your businesses’ character. Displaying the personal side of your business can greatly improve your likeability factor.

5. Expansion Through Sharing

Blogging provides one of the best ways to market your brand for free (if you are writing in-house). People can share your blog by sharing the direct link, tweeting it, emailing it, and by various other ways. With all the platforms available to share the link, sharing your blog is great for viral traffic and exponential market growth.

6. Helps Generate Inbound Links

A blog can help attract inbound links (backlinks) to your brand. If you continually add to your blog content, you can naturally accumulate inbound links from outside sources such as other authors, advice sites or forums, and related but non-competing websites. This is important for not only SEO algorithms, but it can generate significant traffic back to your site.

7. Increase Conversion Rates

A regularly updated blog sends a signal that your business is alive and well. A blog that is maintained with fresh, quality content can build brand loyalty and enhance overall Return on Investment (ROI) for your brand. Research shows some industries have even experienced an 8- to 13-time increase in ROI per year through blogging. Remember, achieving conversions is the name of the game when it comes to any strong SEO strategy.

A Few Pointers:

With all these benefits, the person responsible for creating blog materials should keep in mind to be as thorough in developing the subject as they can manage. Remember, it isn’t only about the subject matter and whether a topic is fully developed, you also want to effectively use keywords throughout the article for better search results. Fortunately, there are many great sources of information online for the person who wants to write strong blog articles for themselves or marketing agencies to turn to for quality blog content.


Blogging is an effective and beneficial method of marketing your brand online. It can help boost your search traffic and attention by providing relevant information, share your goals and unique insights, gain trust and communicate with your customers, provide fresh, relevant content, and boost links—all of this amounting to more sales. Blogging is an efficient way to compete with other companies that may be even larger than you, while enabling you to stand out from other brands. If you can utilize some of these excellent blog strategies, you may vastly increase your overall success in a relatively brief span of time.
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