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1% Increase HERE Equals 16% Increase In Revenue

Increasing marketing efforts will greatly impact your conversion rates! 

A conversion rate is a calculation used by website owners and advertisers to contrast the total number of guests who visit a website to the number of those who become paying clients, supporters, or an interested lead. Conversion rates are incredibly useful to website owners and marketers alike, who can utilize site traffic results to figure out what other advertising techniques ought to be enrolled or improved upon to reach their ideal conversion rate.
Essentially, the conversion rate is the number of website visitors who come to your site and complete a desirable action compared to those who do not—and is used to create improved marketing efforts to encourage more visitors to make a desired action. Examples of desired actions include:
Purchase of a product
Membership registration
Newsletter subscription
Software downloads
Request for more information
Scheduled appointment/consult
In order to acquire a high conversion rate, all of these factors are needed to be present in order to provide satisfactory actions:
The interest level of the visitor
The attractiveness of the offer
The ease of the process to obtain the offer
What these points boil down to, is that your website will need to express, quickly and efficiently, that the value of your product or service is at or above their need or expectation and that there is minimal effort on their part to access the product or service.
To improve your conversion rate, there are two main aspects you’ll need to address:

Increase the customer’s motivation towards completing a desired action.

Minimize the effort they have to make to complete a desired action.

The key in both cases is to understand the visitor. If we know what they’re thinking, you can assure them that you are the best solution, increase their confidence, and reduce their uncertainty.
Your website, and the content within, should address the concerns of your website visitor—quelling any hesitation they may have about making a purchase or reaching out to request a quote or consultation. You can do this by including content that addresses common pain points for your clientele, providing information about your product/service and displaying why your company is the better route. In addition, you should support your claims with evidence—such as reviews of your product or company, or research backing the use of your product.
Overall, if the perceived value is greater than the effort required to get that value, website visitors convert. This is easier said than done for many. Most websites fail to address client pain points, provide adequate information or evidence of their claims, or the effort to complete a sale falls heavily on the buyer’s shoulder. Below is the full guide to increasing the conversion rate. Let’s have a look:

How to Increase Your Conversion Rate:

While each of the following, by itself, can provide effective results in the right direction, for best results and to achieve optimal conversion rates, your marketing efforts should be collective. This may require a complete overhaul of your website and content, but in the end, it is worth it.
Focus on your invitation to take action:
In internet marketing dialect, an invitation to take action alludes to a catch or connection that guides guests to make a specific move like “Add to Cart” or “Register Now.” One approach to conceivably improve conversion rates is to try different verbiage on your requests for customers to take action.

In one analysis, Optimize, reported improved conversion rates by 27% simply by changing the suggestion to take action from “Begin” to “Test It Out.” The reason stems from a psychological interpretation of the meaning of the “Call to Action” (CTA)—the word ‘Begin’ implies a journey, possibly a long one to get to an end result while the phrase ‘Test It Out’ implies a short experience; something that won’t waste your time and requires minimal effort to complete.

By adjusting the CTA words or phrases on your pages, you may uncover a more effective means of converting your visitors.
Experiment with Layout, Content, Style, and Functionality on Landing Pages:
At the end of the day, your landing page (the page where the majority of website visitors enter your website through—most commonly the site’s homepage) should give enough data to persuade clients to follow a desired path or take a desired action. This means that your site’s content, design, style, and layout and display of each are pertinent to this goal.


A page with an excessive amount of ‘substance’ may confuse or overwhelm clients; however, a page without enough content or content that is inconsistent in messaging or off-topic probably won’t inspire visitors to make a purchase or contact your company. To write effective content for your website, you first need to understand who is coming to your website and why—and then address any questions they may have within your content. Then, you need to back up your claims with evidence (like your training, education, experience, and/or testimonials) and provide a consistence message in your call to action.


Your content may not be read or paid attention to if it doesn’t stand out. Content should be displayed by utilizing strategic formatting, using headers, bold or italic fonts, and visual coloring to draw attention to key points you want your website visitor to pay close attention to.  Also keep in mind, text-only on a website is a bore—be sure to include images, charts, infographics and other forms of imagery to draw the attention of your website visitor. All images should be personalized to your business/service/product; avoid stock images as much as possible. You can also implement other design aspects like sliding images and appearing text to appear more exciting and innovative.


Putting content in the right area of the webpage is also vital to ensure your message is adequately portrayed to your website visitors. The area visible when a webpage first loads is considered to be “above-the-fold” and is primary real estate for content. Putting content here increases the likelihood that it is read and consumed by your visitors. Content placed below this first-visible section is unlikely to be read unless the messaging highly encourages the website visitor to scroll down for more information.

The same importance for layout also applies to any “call-to-actions” listed on your website. “Call-to-actions” are anything that ask or recommend a visitor to take some sort of action—contact, add an item to cart, or fill out an online form. The messaging for your call to action should be direct and eye catching and the “call-to-actions” should be placed in obvious areas and utilize strategic designs to stand out from traditional web text.
Iterate, emphasize and repeat:
This tip is otherwise called “consistently be trying.” The content, imagery, and general messaging for your website and marketing should be unified. The following should be the same across all marketing efforts (website, social media, print, vehicle wraps, etc.). Not only does this ensure a clear message of your business and services, but it is also good branding.
Your business logo
Your contact information
What sets your company apart from competitors
Your design theme
Addressing customer pain points
At the end of the day, if your site doesn’t answer the following, then your website could use some work. How much, depends on the extent of your answers to the below.
Have I clearly defined my product or service?
Does my content address the questions most visitors will likely have about my product/service?
Have I backed up my claims with evidence (case studies, testimonials, years of experience, etc.)?
Does each page of my website have a clear call to action—and is it easy to notice?
Is my website just a bunch of text or is there more to my design and layout?
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